Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Tim and I are so excited to announce that we are parents of a beautiful 4year old boy. Court went very smoothly this morning. After spending much of our day yesterday in prayer and reading some specific scriptures together, Tim and I decided that he would be the one to speak to the judge today. Our thinking was that she would be able to understand one person better than both of us speaking. Well, we get into the court room and I am sitting closer to the judge and she looks up directly at me and starts asking questions. I in turn start talking then quickly remember the Tim is supposed to be talking. Not wanting to look confused I just kept on talking. The whole thing took less then five minutes. Then she said "Congratulations, you passed"
Sweet words to momma and pappa's ears.
We have had a great week with him. He is warming up and coming to us for comfort. He is very fast!!!! He hasn't refused any food that we have taken to him. Check! He has the most beautiful smile, laugh, dance, everything really! He is a miracle. We are so thankful to God for choosing Dubale as our son and Tella and Casey's brother. Please continue to pray as we wait to bring him home in one to two months. Praying for one!! But we trust that the Lord will work the rest out. Thank you for loving us providing financially and praying us through this process. We couldn't have done it without you!! Humbly, Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Greathouse Family! I love how you planned out who would do the talking. I'll be sure to have Dave sit closer to the judge ;)

    Robyn Davidson
