So this past week I was in Rockbridge VA, for young life camp.It is easy to say it was the best week of my life!I went to camp thinking i had everything together and my life was great, it was smooth sailing. But God was about to tell me different.The first night at camp was just a hang out night we had club and thats when God started talking but i thought no God I have this I dont need you im fine.Two days later we were having Cabin time it got really deep,God started talking again but this time i couldnt hide what i was feeling Bethany my Young Life Leader saw i was getting upset.By the time cabin time was over everyone was in tears,we had began to tear down thoes walls,and started talking about things that we had never talked about the things that were holding us back from God..After cabin time i grabed my book and went to the pourch I just wanted to forget about everthing and just read.But Bethany knew there was more I needed to get out so she came and sat with me on the pourch to talk.At first I didnt want to say anything I just wanted to hide it.But I stared talking and she sat and listened to everything that I had to say.We talked and cried for about an hour and at the end of the hour I was feeling a little better and was able to sleep.All week our speaker was talking about how we turned our chair on God but God never turns on us. The last day Bethany had one on one time with all the girls,and my one on one time with her really got me thinking about my life,what I was doing,How I was letting others run my life and not running it myself,who I am friends with..That day was filled with some very hard thinking it was almost like i was thinking about an exam for school but it was an exam for my life!My mind was all day. If i would give my life to God how would my friends act? Would i lose friends? Would ibe an out cast? would people make fun of me? Would they understand? these are some thing I was thinking about..Thursday night at club My head and heart was going crazy..Hafe way threw club they said we are going to sing this song and when we are done and if you have asked god into your heart this week we want you to stand. I cried the whole song,I dont even know why I was just crying.The song was over and I couldnt sit down.I stood there proud of my dission.I knew God had my back and thats all I need! Bethany asked me if I wanted her to stand with me and I said yes.after I told the camp I had turned my chair around I gave Bethany a hug because If it wasnt for her I dont really know if i would have asked god into my heart or If I would have even gone to camp and had the best week of my life! Bethanyy thank you so much! I love you!! You have changed my life forever. =)
God bless,
All the girls at Young Life.
Hillary Lindsay and I waiting to get into Club.
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